First human teleportation in “double
quantum” mode successful
The extraordinary abilities of the human brain in the context of quantum physics
For the first time, in an official setting, the exceptional extrasensory abilities of the human brain have been demonstrated through experimental results with a staggering success rate of close to 99 percent.
The results obtained, focused on the search for and discovery through drilling of Thermal aquifers in unexplored areas, have been certified by Italian State Agencies and, in the specific case of the Municipality of Valdieri, confirmed by a scientific report from the Polytechnic University of Turin. The Polytechnic University prepared its report having been commissioned by the Piedmont Region, the funding body of the Thermal Research project.
This completely successful quantum bilocation experience is a major scientific breakthrough in the "controlled" demonstration of "nonlocal" brain action in both quantum and deterministic modes with data reception. Remote action is made possible by quantum or extracorporeal double bilocation or transfer in entanglement state.
Since quantum teleportation has also been realized deterministically, representing a significant milestone in quantum physics applications, entanglement research must now focus on this new evidence that challenges established paradigms. In particular, the hitherto held claim that entanglement cannot be used to transmit or receive data is challenged. This result marks an overcoming of the traditional concept that relegated the experimenter to the simple role of a passive observer in entanglement, opening completely new perspectives on the possibility of active and operational involvement in the control and manipulation of correlated quantum states.
Although the term "quantum" is sometimes used in inappropriate contexts, in this case, based on Occam's razor principle, it is most appropriate to describe and explain the observed phenomenology. The results obtained derive directly from the rigorous application of fundamental concepts of quantum mechanics, such as entanglement, in the context of the experiments conducted.
Before publicly embarking on a project so advanced that it looks like something out of a science fiction movie, as is my wont, I subjected the methodology to rigorous personal testing for years.
I have repeatedly tested the system, getting results, getting better and better, and with a very high success rate. Replicable results and under total control of the will.
Through numerous applications, both at home and abroad, I have verified that the human mind possesses the ability with its double to bilocate itself in quantum mode. This process takes place through Google Maps and the creation of an "energetic double quantum," capable of traveling anywhere, any distance and collecting data with extreme precision, thanks to a deterministic quantum entanglement phenomenon (with data reception).
A first official example, in an institutional setting, of this quantum biotechnology is the work done at the Municipality of Valdieri (Cuneo), where the success of my research of the rare and precious Thermal Water in quantum mode was officially certified.
The final scientific report was, as written earlier, prepared by the Polytechnic University of Turin, which was appointed by the Piedmont Region to supervise the entire Thermal research operation. The Polytechnic University supervised the entire research, which was conducted both scientifically by the geological company SGG of Siena and by my company ALXANDRA sas with regard to quantum mode research.
The Valdieri Experiment
In Piedmont, at the municipality of Valdieri, the final results proved the total failure, predicted by me in advance, of the geological research and the success of my Thermal survey in quantum mode. A success with an impressive defined statistical rate, 99%. During the Thermal research, I was able to identify with extreme precision:
- The depth of thermal aquifers,
- The amount of thermal water that can be emungulated,
- Thermal water temperatures at different depths.
These results, officially certified by the Municipality of Valdieri and via scientific report from the Polytechnic University of Turin, demonstrate that such discoveries are possible due to an innovative approach based on the brain operating in quantum mode and the use of a unique form of quantum and deterministic entanglement.
Entanglement teleportation can occur from a few meters to, according to quantum mechanical theory, thousands of kilometers and perhaps to distances so enormous that they cannot be defined by current scientific knowledge. Thus, it is possible to hypothesize nonlocal entanglement with the subsurface of Mars in search of groundwater.
Current quantum physics still believes it is impossible to have deterministic data through
quantum entanglement, but my successes show that the quantum-mode brain can do it.
Future Results and Goals
The results obtained, with certified success close to 99 percent, represent a new frontier for human capabilities. With my new project, I intend to take these demonstrations to an even higher level, documenting each stage both under strict scientific control and disseminated through a Docufilm. This approach will ensure maximum transparency and rigor, accompanying the demonstrations with official certifications by a Notary Public and a highly qualified scientific team.
The Ultimate Goal
The ultimate goal
is twofold: first, to make these extraordinary discoveries accessible to the general public, paving the way for a fascinating narrative that combines science and innovation; and second, to contribute significantly to the scientific and cultural landscape by exploring new perspectives on the potential of the human brain in advanced
states of consciousness and quantum interaction.
This project not only challenges the current limits of science but also aims to redefine our relationship with the mind and its extraordinary capabilities.
Methods and Results
Author's Notes:
The author has developed, over some 50 years, a scientifically inspired method based on the concept of the "quantum brain," improving his own professional performance and contributing to experimental science, particularly quantum physics. Through practical experiments, he explored the possibility of quantum entanglement capable of generating information flow in a voluntary and deterministic manner. This structured method bridged the gap between theory and practical application of quantum physics.
Although without a traditional scientific background, the author integrated a passion for quantum physics and hydrogeology, applying quantum mental capabilities in the search for thermal waters in unexplored areas. The results, certified with an effectiveness rate close to 99 percent, include the teleportation of quantum information from point A to point B, converted into deterministic data. It also claims to be able to move with the "quantum body" to specific locations under scientific control, with revolutionary implications for neuroscience and quantum physics.
Thanks to my advanced skills applied in quantum mode, I am able to demonstrate, in a nonlocal way and through quantum mechanisms, the ability to quantum reach even the most exclusive and inaccessible terrains, including those thought to be impassable, such as military zones. This extraordinary achievement is concrete proof of the reliability and accuracy of deterministic quantum entanglement, made possible through observation and target localization with technological tools such as Google Maps.
In further support of the validity of my demonstrations, all of which can be carried out under strict scientific control to eliminate any possibility of acquiring information from sources outside my quantum brain in action, I can provide accurate answers regarding the target terrain within 30 minutes of receiving the location via Google Maps. This process, which can be verified under strict scientific control, not only strengthens the credibility of the method used, but also demonstrates the practical effectiveness of applications based on quantum entanglement, opening up new perspectives for experimental and applied science.
The whole process is based on the advanced use of the concept of a "quantum brain," which allows me to establish a nonlocal connection with the chosen location, overcoming all kinds of physical barriers. This approach not only reinforces the idea that quantum entanglement can be exploited deterministically and voluntarily, but also opens up new horizons for the practical application of quantum phenomena in research, science, and strategic areas such as geology, exploration in all scientific fields.
This method offers a revolutionary opportunity to experimentally validate scientific hypotheses, allowing theory and practice to be united through concrete, testable demonstrations that could redefine the boundaries of quantum physics and its real-world applications.
These results suggest the possibility of translating quantum connectedness into a deterministic scientific context by combining the fundamentals of quantum mechanics with applied science. The hypothesis is that the quantum component of the brain generates connections and information flows, which are then processed by the deterministic component of the brain and transformed into repeatable and verifiable scientific data.
It is VERY IMPORTANT to emphasize that what is described is derived from my professional activity but does not represent self-promotion, rather it is based on rigorous reports published in books, on the internet...etc. These results, of great utility for scientific progress, are inevitably related to my professional work, considering that I have never received proposals to conduct specific scientific tests in this direction nor public or private funds. Despite my complete willingness to provide demonstrations outside my work context, no one has ever responded concretely to such an opening.
Science, the serious science that does independent research, will one day recognize the value of my contribution, since, thanks to my work, I was able to obtain practical results that not only prove some quantum theories, but also expand the boundaries of applications of quantum entanglement beyond the limits imposed by current scientific knowledge. It is through these results that I have offered a new experimental perspective, providing the scientific community with tools to explore as yet unknown territories in the landscape of quantum physics.
The scientific data I present have been made possible exclusively through my professional work in the search for thermal waters in as-yet unthermal and unexplored areas. In this context, entrepreneurs who benefit economically from the discovery of this valuable thermal resource finance the extremely expensive drilling operations, which generally reach depths of 350 to 750 meters.
Skeptics, belonging to a biased scientist denialism, however, call for tests that include conducting two parallel drillings: one at a point where the presence of thermal water is expected and another, at the same depth, in an area where the presence of these resources is denied. Considering that drillings of 600 and 750 meters, such as those mentioned, can exceed a cost of 300,000 euros each, it is clear that such experiments cannot be conducted exclusively for purposes experimental without the financial support of entrepreneurs interested in the results of thermal discoveries.
It was only because of my work activity that I was able to carry out such operations in cooperation with two municipalities, which had commissioned the thermal investigations from two renowned geological studies. These studies, after months of scientific investigation, drilled 600 and 750 meters, both of which proved unsuccessful. In parallel, my company, which had also been commissioned to conduct research in the same area, was instead successful. I was able to predict with absolute accuracy not only where the thermal water was located, but also the failures of the drillings carried out by geologists in the wells at 600 and 750 meters, stating with certainty that there was no thermal water at those locations.
In the future, entrepreneurial participation in both quantum and deterministic nonlocal connection experiments may offer significant support for the study of the quantum faculties of the brain.
Mechanisms of Entanglement and Long-Range Nonlocal Communication with Transmission of Precise Quantum and Deterministic Information Obtained from Quantum Activities of the Brain
The nonlocal experiment, which for economic reasons always involves payment for drilling by those who subsequently benefit from the discovery, ( excludable only in the case of funding for this type of quantum experimentation) aims to teleport precise geological data via quantum entanglement from a point A to a point B, with the distance between points reaching as far as thousands or in the case of space investigation millions of kilometers. The information transmitted concerns the geological structure of the subsurface of the chosen site, linked to the quantum mind's consciousness via Google Maps, to detect, in this case, the presence of valuable thermal waters. However, according to the established program, it could also concern gold, oil, natural gas, etc.
In practice, consciousness moves not only over the chosen terrain but can then descend underground for tens, hundreds or thousands of meters to bring back information about the substance sought.
WATER ON MARS AND INVESTIGATIONS THROUGH QUANTUM PHYSICS: The new challenges of scientific technologies combined with quantum biotechnology
The search for underground water on Mars is a key goal for the future of space colonization. A new biotechnology, based on the quantum qualities of the human brain, promises to successfully address this challenge by harnessing quantum entanglement to conduct nonlocal investigations from Earth.
To obtain meaningful preliminary results, the focus is on the very rare terrestrial thermal waters, which offer an ideal parallel for developing and testing these innovative technologies. Using thermal water research as a testbed enables the refinement of both scientific tools for Martian soil exploration and quantum biophysical methodologies for remote nonlocal analysis.
The identification of underground thermal waters in unexplored terrestrial areas still lacking thermal discovery is a crucial test case for developing innovative techniques that can also be applied to the search for underground water on Mars.
These waters, endowed with unique mineral and geothermal properties, are extremely difficult to detect compared to ordinary water. Their search, carried out through quantum entanglement from considerable distances, represents a scientific challenge of the highest order. This approach, based on the advanced capabilities of the brain, not only improves terrestrial sensing techniques, but also opens up new prospects for space exploration.
The search for underground water on Mars would not only support the sustenance of future human colonies, but also offer vital clues to the possible presence of life, past or present, on the planet. The link between the extremely rare terrestrial thermal waters and potential Martian water resources demonstrates how terrestrial and planetary science can work together to expand the boundaries of knowledge, ushering in a new era of exploration and extraordinary discoveries.
According to current scientific knowledge, quantum entanglement creates instantaneous correlation between particles, regardless of the distance between them. However, traditional quantum theory maintains that it is not possible to transmit classical or deterministic information through entanglement alone, as it requires a classical communication channel to complete the data transfer.
However, the astonishing 99 percent success rate of the research conducted suggests a new interpretation: the possibility of transmitting accurate scientific data through modes that include the transfer of quantum information in a deterministic manner. This evidence raises questions about the limitations of current theories, which generally rule out the use of entanglement for information transmission.
New models could then be explored, such as the hypothesis that the "quantum brain" plays an active role in activating both quantum and deterministic entanglement processes. This could involve structures such as microtubules or other paramagnetic realities, or even energies hypothesized to be the "subtle energies" of the brain, capable of acting as mediators in these phenomena.
Consciousness projection and quantum connection
Basically, my consciousness and body, in an energetic or quantum form, project themselves into the target location, "virtually" generating my physical presence as if I were actually walking there. This phenomenon can be described as a "ghost effect," similar to the "phantom limb" phenomenon observed in medicine, in which patients perceive the presence of an amputated limb.
Difference of "remote viewing" My method while similarities with remote viewing uses a computer to establish quantum entanglement with the target location. This approach allows an accurate and reproducible connection, with a success rate close to 99%. This supports the idea of reliable transmission of nonlocal information through quantum and deterministic phenomena. By applying this methodology to remote viewing, the results could be amplified in a revolutionary way.
Results of Remote Viewing and comparison with the quantum method
results of remote viewing (remote viewing), in which Ingo Swann stood out as the most relevant subject, eventually led to the discontinuation of research in this direction. The official
reason given was that, from a military point of view, this technology did not guarantee a consistency of results satisfactory for operational use. However, at the scientific level, remote
viewing, having demonstrated results superior to chance, was still considered an interesting technology.
It should
also be considered that the advent of new satellite spying technologies may have contributed to the closure of the military project known as Stargate. Significantly, the CIA kept the
project active for more than 20 years, suggesting that there were concrete results. In fact, today, remote viewing continues to be studied and applied in different parts of the world,
particularly through the IRVA (International Remote Viewing Association) headquartered in California.
On the Internet, one can find an official explanation of the closure of the Stargate project, based on a review conducted by theAmerican Institutes for Research (AIR) at the request of the CIA. According to the AIR report:
- The remote viewing results showed superior accuracy to chance, but not consistent enough to be used with confidence in military or intelligence operations.
- The quality of information gathered was too variable and, in many cases, of little practical use.
- Most of the useful information provided by practitioners could be explained through other sources or traditional intelligence methods.
Also according to official sources, Ingo Swann, considered to be the subject with the best results, was one of the pioneers of remote viewing and collaborated on the
extrasensory perception research project developed in the 1970s and 1980s at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) . Swann is known to have achieved results described by some as impressive
in some experiments, while in others the results were less significant. However, it is difficult to establish a precise success rate for his experiments, as accuracy varied depending on the type
of tests, protocols, and evaluation criteria adopted.
general, proponents of remote viewing attribute above-average results to Swann than would be expected by chance, although the methodology and interpretation of these results remain a matter of
scientific debate.
Therefore, if a defined inconstant success rate between 30 percent and 65 percent in remote vision tests is considered impressive, the results I have documented, officially certified by Italian state agencies showing a consistent and verifiable success rate near or above 99 percent I think these figures are more than impressive. This significantly higher and more stable level of reliability provides solid scientific validity that is impossible to dispute. But at the same time it indisputably reinforces that remote viewing, while improvable, is a scientifically validated method.
Skeptical Criticism and Validity of the Method
Giving no room for criticism from ideologically denialist positions, Jessica Utts analyzed Ingo Swann's results objectively, pointing out that his successes in remote viewing tests had higher accuracy rates than could be attributed to chance. In her analysis, Utts found that Swann achieved, on average, success rates around 30 percent, pointing out that these results could not be explained solely by chance, but rather indicated the existence of a genuine phenomenon of extrasensory perception.
Quantum Coherence in Microtubules
Quantum coherence is a phenomenon in which particles, such as electrons or photons, exist in a superposition of states (similar to waves) until they interact with their environment. In the context of microtubules, Orch-OR theory suggests that they could support quantum coherent states, in which information could be processed nonlocally and simultaneously. If such a phenomenon existed in microtubules, it could potentially explain how the human brain handles complex information quickly and efficiently.
Critiques and Challenges to Theory
The theory proposed by Hameroff and Penrose is not without its critics. Skeptics question the possibility that quantum coherence can be maintained in the hot and humid conditions of the human brain, where "decoherence"-that is, the loss of coherent quantum states-usually occurs rapidly.
However, some studies are exploring the stability of quantum coherence at higher temperatures and in complex environments, suggesting that it may be possible under certain conditions.
Energy Research Proposal for the Scientific Community
My proposal to the scientific community is to explore furhter beyond microtubules, toward a form of mental energy that could be described as pseudo-, para-, or epimagnetic. This energy appears to be physically perceptible and could facilitate a phenomenon similar to "quantum teletransmission of consciousness."
During specific yoga exercises, it manifests itself through warmth feeling in the hands and a paramagnetic effect,
as if each hand were holding a magnet.
As you bring your hands together,you can feel resistance, similar to the repulsion between opposite magnetic poles. This experience could indicate an energetic interaction between mental and
physical fields, worthy of further scientific study.
Scientific Revolution and Subtle Energy
Special scientific investigations while performing quantum teletransmission could show interesting results, opening a new path to a scientific revolution with the discovery of this unique form of energy, known in India as Prana, in China as Chi, in Japan as Ki, and in the West often referred to as orgone or "subtle energy."
Although the existence of Orgone or Prana has not yet received sufficient empirical evidence, relegating such research to a heretical or pseudoscientific status, my method allows me to prove, without doubt, the existence of an unknown energy underlying the phenomena I produce. According to Occam's razor principle, this energy can be attributed to Prana and the Quantum Brain.
Bilocation, Astral Travel, and Scientific Evidence
The hypotheses of bilocation and astral travel, which still remain objectively unproven, could receive significant experimental confirmation through my demonstrations.
The discovery and use of this seemingly ubiquitous energy, capable of overcoming any physical obstacle, enables me to extend consciousness to any chosen location, with no apparent limits of distance.
This particular ability of the brain in quantum mode may not only as already described make it possible to locate underground water on Mars but the potential applications of this energy are innumerable, spanning every field of human knowledge, could make this discovery one of the most significant and revolutionary contributions in the entire history of science..
Practices in Thermal Water Research
During my THERMAL research for several municipalities, I came across geological studies that, while lacking the proper scientific instruments (they do not yet exist) to detect thermal waters, tried to determine their presence.
On these occasions, I was able to demonstrate not only where thermal waters were present, but also where they were NOT, in places where geologists had assumed their existence, reaching very great drilling depths: 600 meters in the municipality of Villafranca in Lunigiana and 750 meters in the municipality of Valdieri (Cuneo).
In addition, the data from my predictions of thermal readings allowed me NOT only to locate the thermal waters, but also to predict precise parameters such as depth and temperature, which were later scientifically confirmed and supervised by the Polytechnic University of Turin, which was charged with this role by the Piedmont Region, which funded and supervised the thermal research project.
Extraordinary Results and Confirmation of the Method
The results obtained, with a success rate close to 99% NOT ONLY in determining the presence of thermal water but also the depth and temperature of thermal aquifers, are undoubtedly remarkable and confirm the reliability of my approach.
The Four Methodologies of the Armanetti Method
My successes have been made possible thanks to the "Armanetti Method," which I have developed over the years and includes four main methodologies:
The concept of "healthy mind in a healthy body," according to my research, is based on the use of synergies that embrace not only biochemical interactions but also quantum principles.
This involves an integrated approach that combines a balanced diet and the use of synergistic herbal supplements. These supplements, which combine various minerals and substances plants, work synergistically not only on a biochemical level, but also on an energetic level, following the principles of nature.
This innovative approach gives rise to the concept of the "super medicinal plant," which maximizes the healing properties of plants through the harmonious interaction of nutrients, thus contributing to general and sustainable well-being.
2) Quantumenergetics Method
The Quantumenergetics Method integrates a variety of traditional yoga techniques and my original energy exercises.
This methodology is based on holistic principles aimed at rebalancing the body's energy and promoting physical and mental well-being.
• Traditional Yoga Techniques: The method uses postures (asanas), breathing (pranayama) and meditation to improve body awareness and inner harmony. These traditional elements are essential for improving flexibility, strength and concentration.
• Original Energy Exercises: My energy exercises focus on improving the circulation of energy in the body. These exercises combine fluid movements with deep breathing techniques, promoting the release of accumulated tension and stimulating the chakras, the energy centers of the body.
• Holistic Approach: The Quantumenergetica Method is not limited to physical well-being, but aims to achieve emotional and mental balance, creating a synergy between body and mind. Regular practice promotes greater self-awareness and improves quality of life.
In summary, this method represents a fusion of ancient wisdom and modern practices designed to help individuals live healthier and more harmonious lives.
3) Quantumesthesia Method
This is an innovative approach that harnesses the potential of the Mind-Brain system to extract both quantum and deterministic information, depending on the research conducted. Includes Professional Rabdomancy - Brain Biocomputer, Remote Vision - Remote Visualization, Quantumesthesia - Mind-Brain system in quantum mode, Quantumenergetics - Energy techniques in quantum mode.
Conscious Use of the Quantum
Brain: The method requires clear
intention and mental preparation, in which specific research programs are defined. This approach
enables practitioners to activate unconventional knowledge pathways.
Natural Resource Identification:
Depending on the mental programs created, the
method can facilitate the identification of natural resources such as:
- Common, mineral and thermal wate
- Methane gas and oil
- Precious minerals
Research: The Quantumesthesia Method
is not limited to the search for natural resources; it is also applicable in areas such as:
- Herbalism: To identify medicinal plants and natural remedies synergistically.
- Industrial Innovation: For the development of new alloys and advanced materials.
This method promises to transform the way we approach research and innovation by integrating science and intuition into one powerful tool.
4) Method of Mental Programs
An innovative approach to use the human brain as a bio-computer, integrating the potential of the quantum brain and the deterministic brain.
Intensive Training: Through a well-structured program, the brain is trained to
refine its abilities and achieve results in excess of 90 percent. This is done using visualization techniques, meditation, and other cognitive practices that stimulate human
Flexible Applications: The method can be applied in various research areas,
- Natural Resources: Such as thermal waters and oil, for which specific programs are created that require targeted training.
- Herbalism: To combine medicinal herbs synergistically, allowing effective formulations to be identified.
- Industrial Innovation: To develop new alloys and materials through customized formulas.
Practical Application of the Four Methodologies
The practical application of these four bioenergetic methodologies, although seemingly simple in its exposition, requires extensive study that can take many years. It is essential to follow rigorous protocols because biological tools are extremely delicate. In fact, the more refined and sensitive the biological tool used to identify research targets, the more complex and vulnerable its operational mechanisms become.
Contribution to Scientific Research
My expertise related to the brain, both in quantum and traditional terms, may prove particularly useful in the practical and empirical demonstration of the concepts of "quantum information." This approach not only offers new insights into the understanding of bioenergetics, but also paves the way for potential innovations in scientific research.
Researchers and Innovators in Quantum Physics
In addition to Giacomo Mauro D'Ariano, recognized as a pioneer of quantum information theory and author of significant contributions to its theoretical derivation, there are other scientists actively engaged in the study and development of this field.
Some Relevant Names
Federico Faggin: World-famous for the invention of the microprocessor, he is also known today for his interest in the intersection of consciousness and quantum physics, exploring concepts
linking consciousness and free will to quantum phenomena.
- Nobel Laureate Roger Penrose and Stuart Hameroff: Both known for the Orch-OR ("Orchestrated Objective Reduction") theory, which hypothesizes a link between consciousness and quantum processes in the microtubules of brain cells
These researchers, along with D'Ariano, contribute to the debate and development of the applications and implications of quantum theory, with a focus on quantum computation, consciousness and information.
Maurizio Armanetti's Contribution
Maurizio Armanetti attended the European Institute of Design and, at the age of 22, discovered that the human mind possesses special abilities. With a scientific and rational approach, he approached dowsing and radioesthesia, techniques that can be objectively verified in the field by drilling. Equipped with a personality balanced between intuition and scientific rationality, Armanetti quickly realized that his path would be oriented toward science.
In 1985, by registering with the Carrara Chamber of Commerce, he became the first professional dowser in Europe, achieving outstanding successes in searching for groundwater, documented by national and international media including the New York Times.
After numerous successes, including collaborations with Italgas for water research, he has expanded his approach by integrating principles of quantum physics and deterministic science, developing an innovative method that goes beyond traditional dowsing and radiesthesia. This development has made him an international expert in Thermal Water research, with a globally recognized and widespread approach.
In summary of the results:
- Identify thermal waters with precise parameters (depth and temperature).
- Expected failure of drilling done on the basis of conventional geological studies.
- Provide replicable and verifiable data confirmed by academic institutions such as the Polytechnic University of Turin.
Mission and Goals:
Maurizio Armanetti’s mission is:
- To provide science with firm evidence of brain mechanisms in quantum informational activity. Give a definitive answer to the global water crisis by improving communities' access to natural water resources through scientifically advanced, sustainable and innovative approaches.
- Promoting human well-being through the discovery of Thermal Waters, combining psychophysical benefits with significant economic recovery, providing an opportunity for economic development and prosperity. Use of quantum energy in medicine and space exploration.
In Conclusion
The discovery of an extraordinary new form of energy represents a major breakthrough in science and society. Thermal waters, in addition to promoting well-being
psychophysical, can drive the economy by encouraging year-round wellness tourism and harnessing free thermal energy.
Breakthroughs related to drinking water can have a significant impact, solving drought problems, economic hardship and health problems.
In ending, it is useful to point out how the past and present failures in the field of Parapsychology, with closure of University chairs, research funds and victory in Europe of the scientist-negationist world are due to a lack of right planning by Parapsychology researchers. They have always looked for the key to certain and incontrovertible scientific demonstration where the key was not there. They always looked for it under the lamppost because there was light forgetting to illuminate the neighboring areas where the key was.
Through the data I present, I have shown that I offer definite, verifiable and rigorous evidence, obtained without any outside support or funding. These results not only represent a unique contribution, but significantly exceed the achievements of more than a century of parapsychological studies.
It may seem repetitive to often emphasize the positive results of the 99%, but it is essential to do so for two reasons: first, because there is no scientific equipment capable of detecting thermal waters in unexplored non-thermal areas, and the success rate of thermal geological research is close to zero. Second, all previous research results in parapsychology were far from this level, always standing at values slightly above chance and, consequently, easily criticized by skeptics.
It is undeniable that the scientific evidence I bring, being related to my work, may create doubts, which vanish, however, given my openness to scientists. The problem is that the scientists are still under the lamppost looking for the key. I found the key by shining light where the streetlight does not shine.
End of contribution

Maurizio Armanetti
Owner of the company ALEXANDRA di Armanetti Maurizio e C.sas
Tel. +39 3498408341
Vice President Alexandra Hold-Ferneck
+39 3387333430