Challenge between science and the paranormal

After two centuries of discussions, a historic event occurred: the exceptional Challenge between Science and the Paranormal, scientifically certified...

Location: the challenge took place in the municipality of Valdieri - Cuneo (Piedmont).

Characteristics of the water sought: warm thermal water

Challenge between:

Professional dowser: Maurizio Armanetti, founder of scientific dowsing, evolved into

quantum dowsing (Quantumesthesia)

Geologists: SGG geological and geophysical study

Thermal research results were checked and verified by:

- The Municipality of Valdieri.

- The Piedmont Region, the funder of the thermal project.

- Polytechnic University of Turin, responsible for scientific supervision.

- Geologists responsible for construction management.

- Local people attended the conference convened by the municipality on the results of

thermal research and the realization of a dream cultivated for more than 30 years:

the discovery of thermal water.


The (pseudoskeptic) deniers of CICAP, Piero Angela and their mentor James Randi, have

often argued that only a precise demonstration of dowsing, measurable through

parameters such as depth and quantity of groundwater, could prove its authenticity.

Moreover, they claim that, ideally, the dowser should also point to places where water is

not present, since a tiny amount of water can be found almost anywhere.


In the case of the discovery in the Valdieri municipality, not of common drinking water, but

of the rare and precious thermal water described below, Maurizio Armanetti, president of

the company Luni Ricerche s.r.l., now ALEXANDRA sas conducted research that far

exceeded the rigorous parameters demanded by skeptical critics regarding common

drinking water, successfully demonstrating the effectiveness of dowsing in the discovery of

rare thermal water in unexplored areas. BUT NOT ONLY, Armanetti defined exactly the

technical parameters related to depth and quantity but also the temperatures of the

thermal waters at various depth altitudes. All with more than 99 percent accuracy. To this

day, no scientific equipment can detect thermal water in unexplored areas where it is not


already historically documented.

Here is the story:

In 2013, following a meeting with then-Mayor Emanuel Parracone, Luni Ricerche srl was

commissioned by the Mountain Community to develop a Feasibility Project for thermal

research in the Valdieri Plain.


The area, considered ideal for thermal tourism development, had been designated by the

Mountain Community and the Municipality of Valdieri as an area of potential landscape



Making use of its unique method, called Quantumesthesia, which boasts a success rate of

more than 99 percent, Maurizio Armanetti conducted a preliminary thermal survey (without

staking out the drilling point, which was not included in the feasibility project), identifying

the area as positive for the presence of a valuable thermal aquifer. Armanetti's company

provided a detailed report that included precise indications of the depths to be reached,

the temperatures of the thermal aquifer at different elevations, and a preliminary flow rate


On 04.09.2013 he delivered his Feasibility Project* indicating the suitable area for the spa project without indicating the exact drilling location. (See photo)


*The Feasibility Project is an exclusive technical service that, through thorough preliminary research, allows for the identification of new thermal water resources.
The technical investigations to identify potential thermal aquifers focus on the area specified by the client.
At the end of the research, a detailed report is delivered to the client, including the predicted stratigraphy, which contains the fundamental technical data to support subsequent business decisions.

The technical data derived from the preliminary research, delivered to the client with the corresponding report, include:

  • Analysis of the areas specified by the client, aimed at verifying the possible presence of valuable thermal aquifers.
  • Depth of the thermal aquifers.
  • Indicative temperatures of the thermal waters at various depths.
  • Estimated flow rate of the thermal aquifer.

Following the report of Luni Ricerche, which pointed out the presence of thermal water

tables in the Valdieri Plain, which was considered ideal for thermal tourism development

due in part to its landscaping, the municipality issued a call for bids with a specific clause:

the drilling company would have to guarantee the success of the thermal well, under

penalty of non-payment in case of a negative outcome (no thermal water).


The call for bids was won by a drilling company, Nigro Group, which, instead of turning to

Luni Ricerche srl to complete the thermal research and locate the exact spot for drilling,

consulted a large company of geologists in Siena, S.G.G (Studio di Geologia e Geofisica),

to conduct further scientific investigations.

After three months of study, S.G.G.

negatively evaluated the area confirmed as

thermal by Luni Ricerche and indicated a

different area, moving about 1 km away from

the initially suggested area.

According to S.G.G. geologists, their scientific analyses showed that the area indicated by Luni Ricerche was not suitable for thermal catchment. As a result, they decided to move the drilling point away from the area that the municipality itself considered optimal for thermal tourism development.


Pz. 1 SGG

The reaction of Armanetti:

After the three months of geological research, when the geologists staked out their drilling

spot, Armanetti, determined that based on his assessments at the spot chosen by the

geologists, the thermal water sought would not be found. He delivered his technical

evaluations to the Valdieri municipality before drilling at the spot indicated by the

geologists, but the municipality decided to proceed anyway. A result considered

impossible by science.


Luni Ricerche submitted a registered report to the municipality of Valdieri, disputing the

conclusions of the company of geologists S.G.G. and claiming that drilling at the spot

indicated by the geologists would lead to a total failure of the project, with no chance of

finding thermal water.

Excerpt from the letter submitted to the Municipality of Valdieri’s protocol:

"I would like to point out that according to my research (external to the enclosure) extended to approximately 1300 meters deep, the drilling currently underway in Valdieri (NIGRO GROUP SRL) for the discovery of hot thermal waters will have a NEGATIVE outcome because drilling is being conducted in the wrong area.

Negative regarding the discovery, as per the INITIAL Project (see attached Feasibility Project for Thermal Water Research in Valdieri) of a THERMAL WATER that meets today’s market requirements, RICH IN MINERALS (over 1000 mg) and with a temperature higher than 37 degrees. (Indoor and outdoor pools, even in winter, for a season-independent tourism, all year round).

The water that will be found will have a PREPONDERANCE of regular water with an extraction temperature between 20 and 30 degrees, low in minerals (oligomineral), although "contaminated" during its course by thermal water."

Result of drilling based on S.G.G. directions:

Drilling carried out according to the S.G.G.'s instructions reached a depth of about 800 meters, but ended in total failure: no thermal water was found in accordance with the project. The water found turned out to be mostly common, with characteristics unsuitable for thermal tourism development.

The risk to the thermal project and the final rescue:

The failure of the well drilled at the behest of S.G.G. threatened to jeopardize the entire

spa project and the tourism dreams of the municipality of Valdieri, while also jeopardizing

funding from the Piedmont Region.


The situation was saved in extremis thanks to a new assignment given to Luni Ricerche, which resumed investigations in the area initially identified. Drilling at the spot indicated by Luni Ricerche, at a depth of only 380 meters, excellent thermal water was found, with temperature and flow rate perfectly matching the initial predictions.

Pz 1: Well dug on S.G.G.-Drilling directions performed in September-November 2016

Pz 2: Well dug on indications of Maurizio Armanetti ( Luni Ricerche srl ) - drilling

start 07.09.2017


Well 2 was drilled based on the indications of Luni Ricerche Srl on behalf of Nigro Group Srl.

The depth of Well 2 is 380 meters.

All the technical documentation that scientifically confirms the data presented here is available at the Municipality of Valdieri.

The geological analysis in the borehole (Log) and the stratigraphy from the drilling company Nigro Group confirm the result of Luni Ricerche’s search for the precious thermal water: 100% accurate.

The thermal survey conducted by Maurizio Armanetti, president of Luni Ricerche and current CEO of ALEXANDRA SAS, proved to be an extraordinary success, with an accuracy rate of more than 99 %. This achievement involved both the discovery of the precious thermal water and the accurate identification of water table depths and thermal water temperatures at different depths.

In-hole geological analysis ( Log ), and stratigraphy by the drilling company Nigro Group

confirmed the result of Luni Ricerche's search for the precious Thermal Water (Pz2)

:100% accurate.


The results of this extraordinary success were publicized in the press and celebrated at a

public conference organized by the municipality of Valdieri.

Well 2 Stratigraphy by Maurizio Armanetti




328 - 335 m: first thermal water table cold about 15 °C

358-366 m: 18 °C



"Between 340 and 360 m, a coming with a temperature of 15.5 °C and electrical conductivity of 1200 μS/cm was detected, ... between 360 and 380 m, other comings were

intercepted that caused a consisten increase in both temperature to 17-18 °C and electrical conductivity to 1700 - 1900 μS/cm."


  • "The chemical characteristics of the water extracted from Pz2 are such that it can be submitted to the relevant bodies for mineralization


  • The flow rates emitted by Pz2 are compatible with the values required by the Piedmont Region to proceed with the recognition of thermomineral water"

GDP consultants' report Associated Technical Study.

"In conclusion, the thermal exploration produced satisfactory results. In fact, the

Pz2 well found a thermal resource with characteristics compatible with both the binding

indications reported in the Supervisory Board Minutes and the limits prefixed by the Decree of February 10, 2015 ("Criteria for assessing

the characteristics of water natural minerals")."


The geologists failed resoundingly 2 times:

- the first time by claiming that there was no thermal water in the area chosen by the municipality and confirmed by Armanetti, and instead there the thermal discovery was a great success.

- the second time in determining a drilling point after a good 3 months of totally unsuccessful geological research.


Luni Ricerche srl was able to identify water quality as thermal in an unexplored area whose thermal aquifer was overlain by cold water, a quest impossible for science, which in fact failed.

Scientific results show that the technical data written in the Report by Armanetti of Luni Ricerche srl is accurate with a success rate of more than 99 percent.


Discovering water with thermal mineral qualities, Maurizio Armanetti precisely pinpointed the exact (vertical) point where a rare and valuable thermal aquifer flows and determined its quality.

Exact depth of the thermal layers (328-335 mt / 358- 366 mt),

Exact temperature of hot springs 328-335 mt 15 degrees/358- 366 mt 18 degrees.


This thermal research represents not only a significant economic value for the Municipality of Valdieri, but also has a very high scientific value, offering a concrete demonstration of the extraordinary perceptual capabilities of the human brain, capable of surpassing the performance of current computers and scientific equipment.


All documents and the scientific report of the Turin Polytechnic are available from

the Valdieri Municipality.

13.07.2018 Valdieri (Cuneo), public evening to present the results of thermal research and future urban development plans.


Maurizio Armanetti presents the success of Luni Ricerche S.r.l. in the discovery of the precious thermal water in the Piana di Valdieri.


Official speakers of the presentation:
The Mayor of Valdieri, Gaiotti Giacomo Luigi, former Mayor Emanuel Parracone, representatives from the Regione Piemonte, Comunità Montana, and experts (Geologist and Engineer Alberto Betaz, Engineer Paolo Cavaglià)…



(From right to left) The Mayor of Valdieri, Gaiotti Giacomo Luigi, Engineer Paolo Cavaglià, the Owner of Nigro Group S.r.l., and representatives from the Regione Piemonte, presenting the positive result of the thermal research of Well 2 in the Piana di Valdieri and future urban development plans.

National Press: